Learn Investing and Wealth
Building Through 1-on-1 Coaching

Cut through the noise, demystify the jargon, and learn step-by-step how to grow your wealth with your very own
personal investment coach. All while having a blast along the way!

pay down debt

Imagine having enough wealth & financial security to live the rest of your life in happiness.

This is exactly what our 1-on-1 coaching is designed to achieve.

Most investment coaches or ‘gurus’ out there are stale, boring, and overcomplicate investing
with jargon.

Their approach often leaves people even more confused, overwhelmed, frustrated, and with
more questions than answers.

Often, the whole mess can lead people to give up on investing altogether.

Which ultimately places you back into square 1 – having no clarity about your financial future.

Thankfully, there is a better way.

Introducing 1-on-1 Wealth
Generator Coaching

Our 1-on-1 Wealth Generator coaching program is designed to
help investors demystify investing so that they can successfully:

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

– Benjamin Franklin

Our coaching is only for the investor ready to supercharge their portfolio radically.

It doesn’t matter how large or small your portfolio is.

You may have only dabbled in a few investments and are looking for a strategic way

You may have acquired a few properties or stocks and are seeking some clarity about
the next step.

You may be a confident and successful 6-figure investor looking to add 7 figures to
your net worth.

If you’re looking for the knowledge to grow your wealth without relying on someone
else (like an expensive financial advisor or broker) to do it for you, then this program is
for you.

Meet your investment coach

Andrew Woodward

Andrew Woodward, also known as Woody, is the founder of Investor’s Way and an investment coach.

He’s a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Company Secretary, and Director, and he’s spent over 25 years in finance roles, most recently as CEO.

Andrew has been a professional investment coach since 2014. He’s helped hundreds of people change their lives by providing them with the investment and money management education not taught in schools.

His clients are on the way to adding 7+ figures to their net worth.

The program

Investing doesn't have to be difficult, boring,
overwhelming, or confusing.

Once you register, you’ll get unfettered access to your very own financial coach, Andrew Woodward. 
Andrew’s coaching is flexible. He’ll tailor his coaching to fit your goals, objectives, and portfolio (if you have
one). He also takes a light & fun approach to investing. He won’t overwhelm you with information and
expect you to figure it out on your own.

And ultimately, you’ll get six months to ensure you can implement what you learn for the rest of your life. 

Andrew 1-on-1 will teach you:

The fundamentals of investing

Andrew will first take you back to the basics. He’ll teach you the investing principles that underpin everything else you will learn. It’s the knowledge that the wealthy understand and use to their advantage.

Once you understand these fundamentals, you’ll know more about investment strategies than 96% of the population. You’ll be able to apply this knowledge to invest and achieve financial security.

How to eliminate all of your debt (the efficient way)

Debt is the killer of progress, but it can also work to your advantage if you know how to use it correctly.

Andrew will teach you exactly how to eliminate all your debt, whether it's HECS debt, a personal loan, an ATO debt, or a mortgage.

He will also teach you how to leverage any debt you have to eliminate financial stress, maximise the value of your portfolio, and pave the way to a successful financial future.

How to master stocks, property, and other key investment assets

If you have a portfolio of stocks, properties, or other assets (or are looking to build one), Andrew will teach you exactly what you need to do to increase it to a value of seven figures.

Using the 7 Stock Selection Criteria and the 8 Property Selection Criteria, Andrew will show you how to select properties and stocks more likely to grow your wealth and supercharge your portfolio.

Andrew himself has used these criteria to build his own portfolio of property, stocks, and other assets worth multiple millions, achieving his first million by age 38. He’s also taught students to build 5- and 6-figure stock portfolios and acquire multiple investment properties worth millions of dollars. He can teach you how to follow their path.

How to apply risk management to your investing

There’s growing a portfolio, and there’s keeping one.

You can have the strongest and most profitable assets in the world. But it means nothing if you don’t know how to manage your risk. Without proper risk management, you could lose everything.

Over the next six months, Andrew will show you tried-and-tested techniques to manage risk in an understandable way that you can implement simply and quickly. This will give you the confidence to know that your portfolio and money don’t take unnecessary risks.

How to automate your money management for long-term success 

Andrew will show you how to build systems to ensure your money management is automatic.

You won’t have to constantly overwhelm yourself by making manual payments, manually processing investments, or checking a dozen bank accounts to ensure your growth is on track.

How to start or accelerate your portfolio in the first 30 days.

And, of course, Andrew will show you how to get started – so you can grow or kickstart your portfolio in the first 30 days of working together.

Once the coaching is complete, you’ll obtain:

Let’s see if we’re the right fit.

To determine if you are a good fit for our 1-on-1 Wealth Generator program, reach out to Andrew for a free brainstorming session.

In this session, we will outline a plan for your wealth creation and discuss how to implement it.

Just click the link below to schedule a call.

Here’s what people say about working with us:

Frequently Asked Questions

We are not about taking control of your money or selling you a product from which we make money.

We are about teaching you how to become a Wealthy Investor for the rest of your life.

We are about being your number one supporter, teaching, guiding, and holding you accountable to ensure you achieve your desired results.

This is about you. Not us!

No, we are not a single asset class promoter.

We want you to be an expert in multiple asset classes and timeframes, which is the perfect diversification solution. This includes assets like cash, property, stocks, bonds, and more.

Absolutely not! The key requirement is that you are willing to learn, ready to take action, and prepared to do the work.

We will show you how to get started regardless of whether you have a small or large balance. 

If one of our 17-year-old clients can build a five-figure stock portfolio working weekends, we’re sure you can, too!

Our coaching is designed to fit into your schedule.

A key part of the coaching is the outcome – we teach you how to make investing a “one hour per month” activity.

Can you find an hour a month to secure your financial future?

Yes! If you already have some investments, you are well on your way, so we want to help you get to your money goals faster and more effectively. 

Andrew will show you strategies for taking what you have and fast-tracking your success. Our coaching is for all investors, new and experienced. We’ve worked with people starting with $17 million of assets, those starting with their home and not much else, and everything in between.

While every country has its specific nuances, the strategies and processes you will learn can be applied to any market.

We love having international customers. It helps broaden and deepen the understanding of all our customers and creates a global community of like-minded wealth builders… and that’s a whole lot of fun.

Let’s get started.

It’s time to secure your financial future so you can live life on your own terms!
