We’re helping everyday Australians secure
a financial future without feeling
overwhelmed, stuck, or alone.

We’re helping everyday Australians secure
a financial future

We educate investors to master their finances and investments – so they can create the lifestyle they deserve, all on their terms.

Most Australians feel like they’re hitting a brick wall when it comes to their finances.

They know they want a strong, secure financial future.

They know they want enough wealth to retire comfortably.

And they know they want to leave a legacy for their kids.

But unfortunately, most are being pulled in a thousand directions – with everybody telling them something different.

– Buy property.
– Spend less.
– Save more.
– Pay off debt.

Invest in something you know nothing about. Or, god forbid – invest in a fad like crypto. Many Aussies need help figuring out how to improve their financial position. Many don’t have the time to work it out. Many don’t think they have enough money to invest in the first place. And many have so much debt that they’re terrified of not having enough money in retirement.

Enter - The Investor’s Way.

The Investor’s Way is a team of investors dedicated to helping other investors learn or enhance their investing skills so they can create the financial-free lifestyle they deserve.

We provide financial education to investors through 1-on-1 coaching, helping people:

Get started

Understand the jargon

Eliminate their debt

Secure their financial future

For those who are time-short and don’t have the time to do the work, we can help with that too.

Our investor experts can do all the required research, figure out the best investments for your portfolio, do all the groundwork, and make recommendations to ensure your wealth builds and your goals are achieved.

All you have to do is pull the trigger with our suggestions.

Founder story

The Investor’s Way was founded by Andrew Woodward – also known as Woody. Andrew is a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Company Secretary, and Director. He’s spent over 25 years in finance roles, most recently as CEO.

Andrew started his journey in the late 1990s.  He experienced firsthand the stress of not having the necessary financial resources when his father was made redundant multiple times.

He watched his parents endure years of money stress and committed to ensuring he was never in that position for himself or his family. Andrew embarked on a personal development crusade, taking courses, reading books, and watching research interviews to learn everything he could about creating wealth. At age 38, he became a millionaire. After his business mentor challenged him to share his knowledge and experiences, he founded The Investor’s Way to teach money management and investing skills that aren’t covered in school.

Andrew’s unique and proven framework is designed to give people the confidence to grow their own wealth without outsourcing it to someone else.

Since 2014, Andrew has transformed the lives of hundreds of people with simple, effective, and proven wealth-building strategies.

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Our Services

Learn how to invest

Andrew will provide you with personal 1-1 coaching – and teach you how to invest like how the wealthy people invest. He will teach you everything from basic financial literacy and various investment strategies and products to how to identify good investments versus bad ones.

Once you know how to invest like the wealthy, you’ll:

Done-for-you investing

If you want someone to take the burden off you and
handle all the research and groundwork to grow your
portfolio, you’ve come to the right place.
The team can review your current portfolio, identify
investment opportunities you may not have considered,
and conduct all the research needed to grow your
wealth, helping you achieve the lifestyle you want.

If you want someone to take the burden off you and handle all the research and groundwork to grow your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place.

The team can review your current portfolio, identify investment opportunities you may not have considered, and conduct all the research needed to grow your wealth, helping you achieve the lifestyle you want.

Once you hand over the stress of researching for your portfolio to Andrew and the team, you’ll:

Meet our expert team

Andrew Woodward

Andrew Woodward is disrupting the personal wealth market with his unique framework that empowers people with the confidence that they can grow their wealth without outsourcing it to someone who doesn’t care about their money as much as they do.

His clients are on the way to adding 7+ figures to their net worth. Andrew is on a mission to change the financial outcomes of more than 1,000,000 people by creating generational financial freedom.

Blake Woodward

Blake is Andrew’s son and the Head of Sales Development. Blake is building his own wealth using the strategies that Andrew teaches and uses himself, and now he is responsible for ensuring that new members of our community have the best possible experience in their journey to wealth. 

Reach out to learn how
we can help.

No matter where you are in your investment journey, we’re here to help you achieve your goals and obtain the lifestyle you know you deserve.
Fill out the form below and Andrew will reach out to you personally.
