The Three Steps to Creating a Money Breakthrough

If you’re ready to create a money breakthrough, it’s time to rethink the way you approach your finances.

For most people, the reason they haven’t achieved financial success isn’t because they lack knowledge or resources, but because they’re stuck in old patterns of behavior, thoughts, and strategies.

The good news? There are three critical steps you can take to break through those barriers and achieve your financial goals: change your strategy, change your story, and change your state.

By applying these principles, you’ll see that creating a breakthrough isn’t just about understanding the mechanics of money. It’s about transforming your mindset and approach.

Let’s dive into each of these steps to help you unlock new possibilities for your financial future.

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1. Change Your Strategy

The first step to creating a money breakthrough is changing your strategy. If what you’re doing right now isn’t working, it’s time to try something new.

Study Strategies That Work

Success leaves clues, and those who have achieved financial success often have strategies that can be modeled.

Whether it’s in investing, saving, or entrepreneurship, one of the best ways to accelerate your results is to learn from those who have already accomplished what you aim to achieve.

Study their methods, their choices, and how they approach money management. Their strategies have been tested, and adopting similar tactics can fast-track your success.

A Proven Plan Saves Time

Time is your most valuable resource, and the right strategy can help you save it.

A well-thought-out financial plan not only keeps you on track but also ensures that you’re focusing your energy in the right places. This might involve setting clear goals for savings, diversifying your investments, or creating multiple streams of income.

Whatever your objective, having a structured plan that guides your decisions will help you make the most of your time and minimise costly mistakes.

Success in Investing

In the world of investing, strategy is king.

Whether you’re investing in stocks, real estate, or starting a business, having a clear strategy that is aligned with your long-term goals is essential. For example, if you’re focusing on building wealth for retirement, your strategy should include consistent contributions, a diversified portfolio, and a mindset that embraces the power of compound growth.

The takeaway is simple: if you want a breakthrough with your finances, start by refining your strategy to one that works for your goals.


2. Change Your Story

Your mindset and the stories you tell yourself about money are the biggest factors in determining whether you’ll achieve financial success.

Often, the biggest obstacle to financial freedom isn’t external—it’s internal. The beliefs you hold about money shape your decisions, habits, and ultimately, your results.

Address Limiting Beliefs

Many of us carry around limiting beliefs like, “The only people who make money are the ones who already have it,” or “I’ll never be good with money.”

These thoughts create mental roadblocks that stop you from taking action. If you believe that success is unattainable, your brain will subconsciously sabotage any efforts to make progress.

The key is to recognize these disempowering beliefs and consciously replace them with stories of abundance and possibility.

Success is 80% Mindset

Most financial success comes down to what’s going on inside your head.

It’s often said that success is 80% psychology and only 20% mechanics. You can know everything about investing or saving, but if your internal dialogue is negative or self-defeating, those skills won’t help you reach your goals.

By shifting your mindset to one that believes in abundance, opportunity, and your ability to succeed, you open the door to new possibilities.

change your mindset

Craft a New, Empowering Story

Imagine changing the narrative from “I’m never going to make enough money” to “I have the ability to create wealth and financial security.”

The shift may seem subtle, but it has a profound impact on your behaviors and decisions. When you tell yourself a new, empowering story about your financial future, your actions will start aligning with that vision.

Instead of being held back by fear or doubt, you’ll feel motivated and equipped to make smart financial moves.

3. Change Your State

The final step in creating a breakthrough is changing your state—both your mental and emotional state.

This is an often overlooked but critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating lasting change, particularly with your finances.

Your State Shapes Your Experience

The state you’re in—whether you’re feeling confident, stressed, anxious, or energized—colors how you perceive the world.

When you’re in a disempowered state, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your financial challenges.

On the other hand, when you’re in a positive, empowered state, you feel resourceful, capable, and ready to tackle problems with creativity and determination.

Change Your Physiology, Change Your Mindset

One of the simplest ways to change your state is to change your body.

This might sound surprising, but the way you move, breathe, and carry yourself can have a powerful effect on your emotional and mental well-being. For instance, if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed with money, taking a few minutes to engage in physical activity—whether it’s a walk, a workout, or simply standing up and stretching—can dramatically shift your mental state.

This change in state can lead to more productive thinking, better decision-making, and, ultimately, better financial results.


Breakthroughs Happen When You Feel Empowered

When you change your state, everything flows more easily.

The actions that seemed difficult or overwhelming before now feel manageable.

You can think more clearly, take bold steps, and make decisions with confidence. This is crucial for creating a money breakthrough, because the best financial decisions often require a calm, focused, and empowered mind.

The Key to a Money Breakthrough: A New Strategy, Story, and State

To achieve a true breakthrough in your financial life, you need to address these three critical areas: your strategy, your story, and your state.

By changing the way you approach your finances, the stories you tell yourself about money, and the emotional and mental state you bring to your financial decisions, you can unlock new levels of success and abundance.

How to Start Today

Evaluate Your Strategy: Take a look at your current financial strategy. Is it working? If not, who can you learn from? Research proven strategies that align with your goals.

Rewrite Your Money Story: Reflect on the stories you’ve been telling yourself about money. Are they empowering or limiting? Start crafting a new story that supports your financial success.

Shift Your State: Pay attention to how you feel when thinking about money. Practice techniques like breathing exercises, physical movement, or mindfulness to change your state and approach financial challenges from a place of strength.

Creating a money breakthrough is not just about changing what you do—it’s about transforming how you think and feel about money. By taking these three steps, you’ll find that not only does your financial situation improve, but so does your overall sense of control and possibility in life.

Start your journey toward a money breakthrough today by changing your strategy, rewriting your story, and mastering your emotional state. The results will speak for themselves.


By focusing on these three essential elements—strategy, story, and state—you can make deliberate changes that lead to lasting success.

Creating a money breakthrough is about more than just making more money; it’s about transforming the way you think and act, allowing you to achieve your financial dreams with confidence and clarity.

To schedule a Smart Investor Call and start the journey to plan your financial future, click the link here to find a time that works for you.

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