Sometimes all you need is a simple message or an “I did it, so can you!” money story to get inspired to make a change – big or small – in your financial life.
I’ve picked 10 TED Talks I hope will boost your motivation to set money goals, give you some tips and take charge of your learning to get your financial life in shape!
Why you should think about financial independence and mini-retirements
Presenter: Lacey Filipich – Founder Money School and Maker Kids Club.
Time is our most precious, non-renewable resource and it’s intrinsically linked with both our money and our happiness. This is a thought-provoking talk suggests that spending all our lives waiting until we ‘officially’ retire in our mid-sixties to tackle our ‘bucket list’ might not be the way to go.
Filipich presents the possibility of creating financial independence and mini-retirements through all life stages with income-generating assets in her talk on the Financially Independent Retiring Early (FIRE) movement.
The Battle Between Your Present And Future Self
Presenter: Daniel Goldstein – Behavioural Economist

Every day, we make decisions that have good or bad consequences for our future selves. I’ll skip flossing just this one time, I’ll have the burger and fries, I’ll save this $50 instead of spending it on new runners.
Daniel Goldstein makes tools that help us imagine ourselves over time so that we make smart choices for Future Us.
3 Psychological Tricks To Help You Save Money
Presenter: Wendy De La Rosa – Behavioral scientist
We all want to save more money – but if you struggle to stash away money consistently, this TED Talk is for you.
Behavioural scientist Wendy De La Rosa studies how everyday people make decisions to improve their financial well-being. She shares a few ideas on how we can painlessly make the commitment to save more and spend less.
How I Learned To Read – And Trade Stocks – In Prison
Presenter: Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll.
Financial literacy isn’t a skill – it’s a lifestyle.
Take it from Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll who knows the power of a dollar. While in prison, he taught himself how to read and trade stocks, and in his inspiring and entertaining talk Carroll shares a simple, powerful message: we all need to be savvier with our money.
The First 20 Hours – How To Learn Anything
Presenter: Josh Kaufman – Author of The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business
While this talk isn’t specifically about finances, I think it’s a great watch for anyone who loves learning new things and acquiring new skills and the ideas can definitely be applied to learning about finances.

Investing and money management are skills we need to dedicate time to develop if we want to really kick butt in our financial lives.
Sell Your Crap. Pay Your Debt. Do What You Love
Presenter: Adam Baker – Former author of Man vs Debt blog
The former writer Man vs Debt blog – which could be considered one of the trailblazers of the financial freedom movement in the blogger’sphere – shares how he and his wife decided to sell everything they owned, pay off their consumer debt, and spend a year travelling abroad as a family.
A great watch that gets you thinking about your true priorities in life and that financial freedom looks a little different for everyone.
Let’s Get Honest About Money Problems
Presenter: Tammy Lally – Money Coach
Struggling to budget and manage finances is common — but talking honestly and openly about it isn’t. Why do we hide our problems around money?
In this thoughtful, personal talk, author Tammy Lally encourages us to break free of “money shame” and shows us how to stop equating our bank accounts with our self-worth.
Know Your Worth And Then Ask For It
Presenter: Casey Brown – Pricing Consultant
Finding ways to increase your income – be it through a side hustle or getting a promotion – is key to speedier wealth creation.
So, is your boss paying you what you’re worth? Or are they paying you what they think you’re worth?

Take the time to learn how to shape their thinking so you can get that promotion and pay rise you’ve got your eye on. Pricing consultant Casey Brown shares helpful stories and learnings that can help you better communicate your value and get paid for your excellence.
My No Spend Year
Presenter: Michelle McGagh – Financial journalist
Personal Finance Journalist Michelle McGagh’s journey to a year of no spending on anything but the bare essentials started by typing into Google ‘get rid of stuff’.
Her year-long experiment saved her £22,000 and led to her writing the book The No Spend Year. This video might just prompt you to take massive action to kick your savings and investing accounts into high gear!
The 7R Theory Of Creating Wealth!
Presenter: Dhaval Bathia – Bestselling author
“95% of people in the world are bucket carriers, the other 5% create pipelines.”
Dhaval Bathia’s talk is about active income (carrying the buckets) and passive income (building a pipeline)
Pipeline creators become wealthy. Bucket carries are always trading time for money. This is an inspiring talk about how creating passive income can transform your ability to create wealth.
I hope some of these TED Talks help inspire you to take action or continue taking action to build your best financial life! If you’ve got any other TED Talks you’d like to share, drop the link in the comments below!
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